Portfolio Update for Week Ending June 21st, 2024

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Last week was quite eventful for the O2W portfolio…My portfolio’s NAV could have been significantly higher had I made better trades on Monday and then again on Thursday…but I didn’t!  🙁 More on those moves later…

But first, let’s look at the performances of the 3 major indices this past week:

Index Previous Weekly Close Current Week’s Close Change Percentage Change
$DOW 38,589.16 39,150.33 +561.17 +1.45%
$SPX 5,431.60 5,464.62 +33.02 +0.61%
$COMPX 17,688.88 17,689.36 +0.48 +0.00%

As can be seen above, the Dow ended the week leading the pack, up 1.45%, followed by the S&P up 0.61% and made a new all-time high during the week. The Nasdaq closed the week marking time, even though it too notched a new all time high during the week.

Performance of the O2W portfolio companies this past week:

Company Previous Weekly Close Current Weekly Close Change Percentage Change
Amprius $1.09 $1.24 + $0.15 +13.76%
Cleanspark (CLSK) $17.71 $17.29 –$ 0.42 –2.37%
Hims & Hers Health (HIMS) $23.75 $22.15 –$1.60 –6.74%
MicroChip  (MCHP) $89.02 $91.58 + $2.56 +2.88%
Oscar Health (OSCR) $19.00 $18.06 –$0.94 –4.95%
SunMicro (SMCI) $844.54 $905.26 +$60.72 +7.19%

* Bid Price

Though this past week was nowhere close to the previous week’s +60% performance, O2W portfolio did ok…

Options2Wealth Options Portfolio Positions:

Company Option                                                          Quantity Purchase Price  Weekly Close* Price Change Current Value
AMPX 10 January 17, 2025, $5 Calls 10 $1.05 $0.00 ­­­–$ 1.05 $         0.00
CLSK July 19, 2024, $17 calls 20 $4.10 $2.00 –$ 2.10 $   4,000.00
HIMS July 19, 2024, strike price $20 20 $1.80 $3.10 +$1.30 $   6,200.00
MCHP July 19, 2024, $90 calls 10 $8.75 $ 5.40 –$ 3.35 $   5,400.00
OSCR July 19, 2024, $15 calls 10 $ 4.25 $ 3.20 ­­­–$ 1.05 $   3,200.00
SMCI Aug 16, 2024 Strike Price $950 calls 2 $98.60 $103.30  ­­­+$4.70 $  20,660.00
Sub-Total $ 39,460.00
Available Cash $  34,707.95**
Total Portfolio Value $  74,167.95

*Bid Price

** My cash position increased because my 1 in-the-money SMCI June 21, 2024 Strike Price $800 call contract was expiring on Friday, (technically on Saturday) and I had to sell it just before the markets closed and got $105.00 ($105 x 100 = $10,500) for that lone contract.

Options2Wealth Portfolio’s NAV Snapshot (Week ending June 21st, 2024): 

Current Weekly Close Previous Week   Weekly Change  Weekly % Change Total Current Value YTD % Change* Available Cash
$74,167.95 $68,342.25 +$5,825.70    +8.52% $74,167.95    +641.68%   $34,707.95

*  Portfolio’s start date: September 5, 2023 with $10,000

Final Thoughts:

I am disappointed that I did not take advantage of SMCI’s moves this past week…First, when I had the opportunity to make a significant purchase of SMCI’s August 16, 2024, Strike Price $950 calls last Monday, I only bought 2 measly contracts. And then more importantly last Thursday, when SMCI made a $90+ move in the first 30 minutes of trading, I did not sell my June 21, 2024, Strike Price $800 call contract for a nice juicy price of $220, or $22,000. Instead, that same in-the-money contract I had to unload for less than half what I was being offered the previous morning.. BIG mistake!

However, now that I am sitting on a big pile of cash, I plan to add to my 2 SMCI August 16, 2024, $950 call contracts this week, and more likely than not, tomorrow. Let’s see how the week unfolds…

As for my prediction on Bitcoin…let’s just say I am not exactly pumping my fist in the air… Bitcoin for the last 3 weeks has been going south while I had predicted a solid move north 🙁



DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed broker or securities dealer. All postings made here are strictly for my personal record keeping and in no way, shape or form, am I even remotely suggesting others to follow my Buy and Sell moves. Trading options is not for the faint of heart as one’s portfolio can move up, or down 10%-50% or more during a single trading day, so trade with extreme caution. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Full Disclosure: I own options in the stocks of companies mentioned in my posts.

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