Quick Update on Today’s Planned Trades:
7 contracts of MBLY January 19, 2024 calls, Strike Price: $40 @ $4.26*
(* MBLY opened weak and stayed weak all day and I did not get the price I was hoping.)
Cash Raised: 700 x $4.26 = $2,982 – $4.55 (commission) = $2,977.45
Total Cash Available to Trade: $2,977.45 + $8.53 (Previous Balance) = $2,985.98
6 contracts of FSLR January 19, 2024 calls, Strike Price: $170 @ $4.50*
(* Did not have enough cash to buy the planned 10 contracts.)
Cost of Trade: 600 x $4.50 = $2,700 + $3.90 (commission) = $2,703.90
Account Current Cash Balance: $2,985.98 – $2,703.90 = $282.08
DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed broker or securities dealer. All postings made here are strictly for my personal record keeping and in no way, shape or form, am I even remotely suggesting others to follow my Buy and Sell moves. Trading options is not for the faint of heart as one’s portfolio can move up, or down 10%-50% or more during a single trading day, so trade with extreme caution. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
Full Disclosure: I own options in the stocks of companies mentioned in my posts.
2 Responses
Hey Karim, great job with the portfolio. Can you tell the readers the thesis as to why you’re buying FSLR? Bullish fundamentals, a positive candlestick chart, a positive P & F chart or combination of the above?
This a good question, Rob, and in order for your question and my response to get maximum exposure, I will write another blog post.